Tuesday, November 4, 2008

vote or die!*

the baron and the husband went to their neighborhood elementary school to vote this morning. they arrived at 7:30 and were dismayed to see that the line stretched out of the school, into the parking lot, and around the building. fortunately, they had coffee and enough conversation to last until the voting booths.

a sample:
'do you want to have dinner before the show tonight?'
'busboys and poets?'
'does mike want to come?'
'he's meeting some people at a bar on u street.'

and a little later:
'who's mike bringing to the show?'
'dunno. no one.'
'then who's he meeting at a bar on u street?'
'oh, carl and some other... people.'
'well... do they want to come to dinner?'
'oh, god, no - not those people.'

and a little later:
'i'll give you one dollar if you send an email to my mother that says, "ruth, you meant to vote for obama." '
'what? i'll give you a dollar!'
'i'll do it later, from my gmail account, ok?'

and a little later:
(to the ukranian television news crew that appeared at the baron's voting location via taxi cab)
'hey, hey, can you not smoke that here?'

and a little later:
'mccain/palin all the wayyyyyyy!'

*ruth, you really DID mean to vote for obama today.

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