Monday, November 10, 2008

outside living, on hold

it occurred to the baron that she never completed her thought regarding the newest of the new retaining walls. reader, the wall is done, though the project is not... the patio, shed, and formal garden will wait until spring. the baron and the husband have run out of time (highs in the low 50s this week!) and money (their rental house is recently vacated, which means the baron and the husband get to carry two mortgages until the house is occupied... yay!), so the back of the yard will just keep looking like this until the spring thaw:

this latest wall taught the baron and the husband a couple of lessons:
1) don't start a MASSIVE yard project with winter just around the corner
2) masonry saw blades are a real and helpful thing: see the corner, below

and the closeup (see those cut pieces? pretty nice, right?)

the long shot: if you squint, reader, you can see the wall at the back of the yard.

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