Monday, November 3, 2008

baron's big day

today, the baron's smallest dog is having surgery on his left eye (the removal of a mass on his lower eyelid). she is bothered by this, nervous about the anesthetic mostly. baron, the baron could tell, was nervous to be at the doctor's office. she tried her best to assuage his fear, promised to be back for him soon, promised that he was in good hands, and while he understood her tone, he didn't understand her words. he blinked at her, slowly, and wagged his tail in the exam room right up until the doctor put a nylon leash around his neck. then he pulled and pulled, pulled so much that the baron had to walk with them back to the operating suite, so baron would be tricked into thinking that the baron was going there too. she lied to him, to get him into that operating room, and - though he didn't understand any of her assurances - he understood the lie, because when he turned around to see her, she was behind the glass door, away from him, and that worried him. the baron could see his worry, there on his forehead, and in his body posture. she turned to leave, though she didn't want to, but she understood that staying at that door would only make things more difficult for the surgical staff.

she is thinking that things had better go good today, the surgery had better be a success. she really can't bear to imagine the alternative.

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