Friday, January 9, 2009

friday breakfast

so, because of that pesky cancer thing, the baron has to take this pill once daily, in the mornings. (by the by, how weird are the graphics at super weird, right?) the pill is to be taken on an empty stomach, and no food can be had for the next 60 minutes. it seems pretty simple, as it should, but reader, it's actually NOT SIMPLE at all. if the baron took her levoxyl as soon as she got up, her 60 minute don't-eat-anything limit would expire right around 7:45am, which is, inconveniently, the time she's leaving for work.


her work-around is this: most mornings, the baron is prompted to take her pill at around 4:30am, for this is when the husband, to a symphony of canine-related sounds, gets up to let the dogs out. taking the pill so early in the day ensures that, by the time she's waking up, she can have a worry-free morning meal. lately, though, the baron has been sleeping right through these early morning rumblings; the tick-tacking of the dogs' nails on the hardwood floor, the jangling of their collars, and baron's barking don't wake her AT ALL.


this means that the baron is taking her pill at around 6:45am, which means that she doesn't have time for actual food before heading to work.

which means that lately, breakfast - and not just the friday ones - looks a lot like this:

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