Tuesday, January 13, 2009

a fema first

reader, the baron's not sure if you know, but she used to work for the federal government, for this broken down, morally bankrupt and generally mismanaged agency you may have heard of, called fema? it was a job she liked (she was a planner, a job that appealed to her sense of order), despite the travel, but she could never get over the nepotism (even while she benefited from it), or the political appointees, or the way policy changes were made by people who had never been involved in the response end of an emergency, and hadn't been to the field, ever.

it's not a note on her resume that she's particularly proud of, if you get her drift.


the husband still has a stake in it. she thinks it's because he's kind of an adrenaline junkie, though he doth protest (too much). and, lately, he's doing work that interests him, he's carved out his own little new media/social media niche. as far as the baron can tell, the husband is getting only scattered support from his agency peers (yay for bill! and aaron!), but this fact doesn't really seem to deter him. at all. in fact, despite lacking real peer support, the baron is quite pleased to say that the husband is appearing less and less like a cervantes character every day!


all that to say, yesterday was a big day for the husband, something about new media or a twitter media event, something something, reaching out to bloggers, something something. follow the links and read on for yourself.

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