Tuesday, January 6, 2009

are you having a laugh? the baron, she is not.

the baron and the husband are steadily working through their netflix queue, moving from 'the king of kong' to 'saving face' to 'cinema paradiso' to 'hancock'. (you, reader, are thinking 'what a random assortment of films, eh?' while the baron and the husband are thinking, 'how sophisticated are we that our filmic tastes range from blockbuster to independent lesbian comedy/drama?')

netflix is particularly valuable when it comes to television series: the baron and the husband can, in rather a short time, view their way through an entire series... which is what they're doing now.

they're into the second season of 'extras', and reader, the baron thinks she's in love with ricky gervais. and possibly ashley jensen. and daniel radcliffe and patrick stewart. and also, barry from eastenders.


the baron DOES NOT love, not remotely, ricky gervais' andy millman playing ray stokes. it's the glasses, and the under-slung jaw, and the wig, and that GODDAMN CATCHPHRASE THAT IS STUCK IN THE BARON'S HEAD ON A PERMA-LOOP.

see for yourself:

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