Sunday, January 25, 2009

a new day dawning (thank you, tucker)

reader, the baron has neglected you lo these last few months. oh, yes, there have been posts, but her mind has been elsewhere, occupied by other things... election maps, election day, thanksgiving, portland, christmas, new year's eve and the day after, inaugural activities... the list, really, goes on.

it seems to her that the end of 2008, the quick succession of holidays, left her dazed in a peculiar kind of way, in a NOT NORMAL way. she left 2008 on a high, in a cloud of happy happy, and you know what? that feeling is JUST STARTING TO FADE. like, today, just starting to fade.

she thinks it's because of all this election hoopla, all this inauguration business, all this stuff about getting a new head of state for america. inauguration day was, for her, the very last in a series of winter holidays; now that it's past, she can get back to the business of being that glass-half-full-gal.

she wanted to convey that to you, reader, not as an excuse for her paltry postings of late, but as the explanation. last week was especially bare, and she apologizes, but somehow, the baron can't type when giddy, and last week? she was giddy but good.

anyhoo, here's a random sampling of some of her thoughts from the last week or so:

-laura's coming! yay!
-las vegas? really? ok.
-las vegas? really? laura kind of sold me on it, what with all that promise of a disneyland day and a spa day, but now i'm all, las vegas? really?
-rick warren, i'm not all that into god and you're not really changing my mind.
-diane feinstein, nice job. surprisingly nice job.
-barack obama, please don't make me roll my eyes. please say important words, ones with meaning. it's been a very long time since i was proud of america and I AM REALLY COUNTING ON YOU HERE.
-i can't believe barack obama didn't make me roll my eyes. or make me cry.
-reverend lowery, i'm not all that into god but you. are. kind. of. making. me. wish. i. were. and you made me cry. and i said 'amen' all three times. and hell is frozen over.
-carrot sunshine muffins or cranberry orange? (note: it turns out, both.)
-if you're going to new york, will you bring me a canoli? canoli. canoli.
-damn you white balance. i hate you.
-the husband, we should make an effort to mind our language. no curse words. (note: this is not really working very well. so far.)
-pot holders are easier than purses. and laundry bags.
-i conquered the mitered corner! i am queen of the mitered corner!
-michael sheen, you are kind of impressing me right now. (note: while watching this movie.)
-bill nighy, i love you. even in all that makeup, and as you are making cat noises, i love you.
-michael sheen, you are TOTALLY impressing me right now. (note: as in, all those other acting-talent-required movies he's been in.)
-free 'time' magazine - yay!
-free 'out' magazine - yay! and then, boo. greasy boys make pretty pictures, but the articles have to be good too. and out? your articles? they kind of suck. all one of them.
-i'll come running.
-tickets purchased: brian eno and david byrne at radio city music hall. which means i can get my own canoli! canoli.

1 comment:

laura said...

you've been missed baron. and i agree, rev. lowry was the best. i was most looking forward to his benediction, and as much as i loved seeing our beautiful first family, the rev. stole the show.