Friday, April 18, 2008

tucker, to make you smile

a friend of the baron's recently sent her a disturbing email about a Costa Rican "artist" who used (or misused, as it were) a street dog in an art installation last year. for the baron, the concept of the installation was ridiculous, its execution, disgusting. the baron couldn't sleep for two nights after reading the email. instead, on those sleepless nights, she stared into the dark bedroom and listened to two of her four dogs snoring, imagining the day when all humanity is gone from the earth due to egregious mismanagement of the planet and its resources. when that day comes, the baron hopes that the animals will rise up and take what they're owed.

anyway, also to take the edge off, here's tucker, from a few nights ago.


laura said...

i am wearing tucker today and he is indeed making people smile.

Dexter2j said...

I am wearing dexter and people are keeping their distance. True story!