Tuesday, April 29, 2008


today the baron wants to rhapsodize a little more about spring. she knows it's a tired subject, but the thing is that spring just doesn't happen often enough for her, what with it coming just once a year and all that. also, the baron currently lives in a place where it snows and is cold for a good part of the year. as a former (and, in her heart, always) californian, she is saddened by winter: the plants die, the ground freezes up, and the dogs need extra prodding to go outside and make their, ahem, business (well, tucker and dexter are fond of the cold, but the baron has witnessed the husband, at 5 am in his devil monkey pajamas, carrying one or both of the black dogs into the snow, putting him/them down, and saying 'go pee! i know you have to!').

anyway, it's spring in maryland, and the baron is happy. even the dandelions, thought by some to be weeds, delight her.

photo for t ewing.

1 comment:

laura said...

i too was just thinking how much i've always liked dandelions, both the cotton ball and yellow versions. go spring!