Monday, April 28, 2008

chansonniers de montmartre

the baron loves these cups. she doesn't actually know what a chansonnier de montmontre is, but she loves them anyway.

the baron found two of these at a thrift store many years ago, perched among bric-a-brac as though waiting for her. she pulled them from the shelves, unable to comprehend that someone would discard these tiny cups. the husband found three more very recently, also at a thrift store, all in perfect condition. maybe they were waiting for him.

the baron is dreaming of collecting these cups, to replace the mismatched ones in her cabinets - the stolen ones, the bland ones, the holiday ones, the white ones, the bodum ones, even the sentimental ones. she will thrift shop and shop and shop, looking for these cups, until her house and her husband and all the dogs have been overrun with chansonniers.

ahem. the baron really likes these cups.

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