Tuesday, June 9, 2009


last week, the husband went to las vegas for a conference and brought back a cold. and gave it to his wife.

today, the baron is not feeling very well.

lat night, the baron thought that andrew bird and andrew w.k. were the same person. last night, the baron thought that andrew w.k. and russell brand were the same person. last night, the baron thought that andrew bird and russell brand were, essentially, interchangeable.

today, the baron knows that russell brand is english, and was in this movie.

today, the baron knows that andrew bird is american, and is a most excellent whistler.

today, the baron remains unsure of andrew w.k.

last weekend, the baron was marvelling at how high her potato plants have grown.

today, the baron is lamenting the HARD, HEAVY, ANGRY rain that tumbled those potato plants right over.

last week, the baron was thinking that june was just busy enough, what with professional and personal committments.

today, the baron is thinking that she had better clean the house, since the brother will be here on thursday.

right now, the baron is wishing that chamomile tea was a little gentler on her stomach.

she is thinking, keep it down. keep it down.

today promises to be a super GREAT day.

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