Friday, June 19, 2009

the sun will come out

today the baron is thinking of her second job - a college one - at a sandwich shop in her home town, conveniently located right across the street from her undergraduate institution. it was a super set-up for her: class in the morning, then over to the sandwich shop by noon to work four or 8 hours, then home. or, sandwich shop at 7am until noon, then over to class. (though, really, it was usually the first scenario; as the baron figured out quite quickly that the smell of onions had real staying power so she always aimed to work AFTER school.) and, by the way? home was a fast 7 minutes from campus AND work.

the baron spent over two years at this sandwich shop, having been shepherded in by her good friend xtina. it was a long two years: the job lost its lustre pretty quickly (having mostly to do with the owner and his special brand of douchebaggery, and NOT AT ALL having to do with the daily promise of free sandwiches, snapples, sodas, macaroni salad and cookies; also, yes, the baron gained weight while working there), but the baron and xtina did the best they could to keep themselves entertained.

earlier this week, the baron posted something about june gloom, and about how it's been raining in maryland for the past several weeks. this morning - for a change - it was actually quite sunny out. and. this made the baron VERY HAPPY.

so happy that, when she pulled back the bedroom draperies, her first thought was this scrap of lyric: "the sun will come out... pastrami!" sung, of course, to the tune of "the sun will come out tomorrow" from 'annie'.

in the name of entertainment, the baron and xtina used to sing this song at the sandwich shop; they would substitute the word 'pastrami' for 'tomorrow' and you know what, reader? the baron now thinks that their creative edits IMPROVED the song. and what else? they might actually have sung this song TO PASTRAMIS, either whole hunks of meat or sanwiches.


happy friday, reader.

1 comment:

Xtina said...

Hahahaha! I COMPLETELY forgot about this song! Although I do remember the catchy Italian ditty we (or maybe it was just I) used to croon while stirring the meatballs. Oh, and what about "I get sliced up, but I get up again...", penned by yours truly after your unfortunate incident with the meat slicer.

Ah, good times... :)