Wednesday, June 17, 2009

june gloom

reader, you might not know about june gloom (except for you three: carlos, laura and xtina), but it's a very real occurrence in california. in late spring and early summer, the days begin with heavy cloud coverage and maybe a little drizzle, and end with weak sunshine.

the husband, when he was just the boyfriend, wrote a heavily illustrated story for the baron wherein he referred to her as heliotropic. she laughed at his phrasing then, but in the years since (and especially lately, since her part of maryland has had rain and cloudy skies for the better part of 6 weeks) she's come to think it might be true. the cloudiness casts a grey dinge over everything, including the baron. she's lethargic, reader, and can't get out of it.

she can't even muster anything interesting to write for you. so, she's pawning you off on more established and talented writers at:

homeland security today (note that handsome devil on page 46)

the new york times

