Friday, December 12, 2008

photos of decembers past

reader, the baron is in a pretty good mood today. it's friday, it's the office holiday party, it's sunny out... she's feeling some alice cooper in her bones, like school's out for summer, like school's out forever.

oh, and also? the baron will be out of town, and out of the office, next week, visiting portland with a friend. the baron hasn't been to portland, has no idea what the town might be like; she only knows that it's cold there. but, she's game for an adventure.


all that to say that next week's posts will be, at best, intermittent, and at worst, non-existent.

in the meantime, amuse yourself with the photos below, from last december:

here's baron, under last year's tree (also, strangely, with a mexican-themed tree skirt).

here's dexter, getting her snow on.

here's tucker, making for the camera like the world is ending!

here's baron again, post (i-recently-ate-a-plastic-squeeky-toy) surgery. in truth, this photo is from last january... but the eating of the squeeky toy happened in december, so the baron thought it counted...

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