so. their holiday decorating waited until saturday. first, they ran some errands, visiting - among other stores - target. the baron was determined, this year, to have a tree skirt around the base of their fake tree. the husband perused the tree skirt aisle and decided that the really nice ones were on the expensive side; the baron kind of concurred: seriously, she thought, $30 for 2 yards of thin fabric and fluffy trim?
the baron, having made holiday stockings for the dogs two years ago, had rather a large amount of holiday-flavored felt left over... felt in the pine green, rudolph's nose red, and snowy, snowy white varieties. she decided she'd make the tree skirt instead.
this activity - the making of the tree skirt - turned out to be an all-day-saturday activity. the baron had a VERY HARD TIME sorting out how, exactly, to sew all her remaindered fabric into a skirt-shaped circle. while working on the VERY HARD PROJECT, she was heard to say, 'who knew? geometry does matter.' additionally, because she is incapable of using her sewing machine, she had to assemble her misshapen tree skirt by hand... a very trying and labor-intensive task indeed.
the baron persevered. by saturday evening, she had completed her skirt; she and the husband pulled out their christmas tree (all plastic-y and forever green) and christmas-time decorations. this event (the slow assembling of the tree, the careful placement of lights, the careless placement of tree ornaments) is one of the baron's favorites, christmas being her favorite holiday and whatnot.
the series of photos* below depict the entire process: the sad, naked tree; the baron and tucker, glad it's done; and a closeup of the finished product.
maybe the best thing about their decorations are the motley assembly of plush toys that take their december seats on the sun room shelf. the husband found these, the island of misfit toys toys, at a thrift store, the entire set perched on a waist level shelf, waiting for him. from left to right, they are: the bumble, santa claus, charlie-in-the-box, clarice, yukon cornelius, rudolph the red nosed reindeer, hermey the misfit elf, and sam snowman.
down in the front there, splayed out? that's a flying snowman tree ornament, a gift from one of the husband's sisters. and, yes, his nose is missing, since last year. dexter ate it.
ps: the baron wants to mention that the tree skirt turned out pretty nicely, though the colors exactly echo those in this flag, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the husband or the baron. also, baron loves to sleep on the tree skirt, around the back of the tree... and yes, peering out from behind all that fake foliage, he's pretty much the cutest thing ever.
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