Wednesday, December 31, 2008

happy christmas

reader, christmas is the baron's favorite holiday. she loves the decorations, the alleged feelings of goodwill toward humankind that are evinced by this time of year. she loves the cold, and the vacation days. she loves picking gifts for the people and dogs she loves. she loves, most of all, the actual day, where she and the husband and the rest of their four-legged family can be together, totally together, without the distraction of the dreaded blackberry, without the hassle of traveling somewhere else. they all stay home, they all stay together, her small family of 7.

it's one of her VERY FAVORITE days.

this year's christmas was an exceptionally good day. the baron and the husband had a house guest, a four-legged one - sasha, who was genial and easy to please. the dogs were mostly friendly to him; there wasn't much by way of tussling over toys, and by christmas day, sasha had been with them for the better part of a week anyway... which meant that peace reigned among the dogs.

see sasha, below:

the baron usually has a good bit of anxiety about shopping for the husband. she believes him hard to please in the 'shopping for' department; this year, she took EXTRA SPECIAL CARE in selecting his gifts. and, though she is loath to admit it, portland had a hand in helping her with her shopping.

one of the very best things she found for him came from this store, in portland, purveyor of all groceries vegan, including what you see below: vegan rice crispy treats.

for the dogs, the husband bought two new, HUGE dogs beds, intended for the big dogs. baron and harlan have other plans for those beds:

reader, the baron hopes you had a good holiday season.

ps: she'd like to tell her mother to PLEASE use those place mats, which are 100% cotton and 100% machine washable. it took the baron some 100+ hand-sewing hours to make them, and the thought that they won't get used (but will instead be used for decoration) is VERY DISTRESSING to her. so please, for the baron's sake, just use them. then wash them! see how easy?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

the worst vacation ever, full stop

reader, the baron's back in town, fresh from her vacation to beautiful portland, oregon! she traveled there with a childhood friend, jrr, who is right now debating whether or not to move to there...

the baron has recounted her trip a fair few times already and is kind of tired of the whole thing. for you, reader, she'll spare the gory details and give you the truncated version.

the lowlights:

-even for the baron - a californian who hasn't quite fallen in line with the east coast's way of doing things - portland seemed a little sedate. like, real sedate. like, everyone in the airport seemed stoned... even the sober people.

-snow, and lots of it. as soon as the baron's plane descended below the cloud line, she could tell that the day was not friendly. once she saw a report from the local news, she figured that the week wouldn't be that friendly either.

-snow, and lots of it, brought the city to a standstill, which meant that many of the activities jrr had planned were, uh, CLOSED.

-snow, and lots of it, meant that walking the neighborhoods of the city (a necessity for jrr, who wanted to pick a new place to live) was super DUPER difficult.

-snow, and lots of it, pretty much confined the baron and jrr to the hotel. which meant that tv and books were all that they had to amuse themselves. which meant that they were pretty much together the whole time. which meant that they kind of, occasionally, got on each others' nerves.

the highlights:

-portland is mellow. it was kind of refreshing to go without attitude from baristas/sales assistants/cabbies/waiters.

-vegetarian house. within walking distance from the hotel, and the best hot and sour soup EVER.

-the festival of the last minute, where one can find lots of interesting and one-of-a-kind gifts, was not nearly as frightening as this sounds:
the baron: where is this place?
jrr: same place at the saturday market...
the baron: yes?
jrr: under a bridge and, uh... some tarps.

-sweet masterpiece, a small chocolate shop in the pearl district.

-snow, and lots of it, kept them mostly inside. however, they did venture to powell's books, maybe the best. bookstore. ever. the baron found patchett, didion, and fadiman - o my!

-the portland public library, which sold this bag for a mere $21:

otherwise, the baron is glad to be home. she missed the husband, she missed the dogs, and also? her feet weren't warm for like a week. oh, and jenn? don't move there, PORTLAND SUCKS.

Monday, December 15, 2008

things she thought...

the baron has had an eventful couple of days. saturday saw the husband and the baron at a girl scout event, then off to a friends to meet a couple of cutie kitties, then the baron took a plane to portland... busy, right?

so, the baron was thinking:

-girl scouts seem ok, except for all the references to god and that bit about 'respect your elders'.
-portland seems ok, except for the raging snow storm that's essentially brought the city to a standstill.
-the hotel seems ok, except that the bartenders kind of suck and this typing, right now? costing the baron $5.95 for 15 minutes. (that's how much she loves you, reader.)
-the dogs will be ok, since life, period volunteered to give them their midday walk.

so, today, the baron and her friend will be braving the cold, cold (seriously, 28 degrees is the high today) weather to visit voodoo donuts, herbivore clothing company, and maybe powell's bookstore. yay for them.

Friday, December 12, 2008

photos of decembers past

reader, the baron is in a pretty good mood today. it's friday, it's the office holiday party, it's sunny out... she's feeling some alice cooper in her bones, like school's out for summer, like school's out forever.

oh, and also? the baron will be out of town, and out of the office, next week, visiting portland with a friend. the baron hasn't been to portland, has no idea what the town might be like; she only knows that it's cold there. but, she's game for an adventure.


all that to say that next week's posts will be, at best, intermittent, and at worst, non-existent.

in the meantime, amuse yourself with the photos below, from last december:

here's baron, under last year's tree (also, strangely, with a mexican-themed tree skirt).

here's dexter, getting her snow on.

here's tucker, making for the camera like the world is ending!

here's baron again, post (i-recently-ate-a-plastic-squeeky-toy) surgery. in truth, this photo is from last january... but the eating of the squeeky toy happened in december, so the baron thought it counted...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

sew this!

reader, the baron is pretty excited about the holiday break coming up. because she works at a university, at a state university, the baron will be lucky enough to have a pretty good chunk of time away from the office - almost two weeks to be exact!

the baron already has plans for her time off... one big, long overdue plan.

she'll be making roman blinds for the sun room.

the sun room windows are currently shielded by horizontal blinds, really ugly ones that don't do much for keeping the cold out or the heat in this time of year.

to replace them, the baron picked the fabric below, which she will fortify with black out fabric. on the whole, the baron is pretty excited about this project, some two years in the making.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

what the what?!

reader, the baron is angry.

the baron had taken the day off work, to take care of some weekday-only errands, including a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment, and emissions testing for her 1996 saturn. on the whole, the baron anticipated an easy day, business interspersed with couch time.


the dentist ruined it for her.

the baron typically LOVES the dentist, being that she has pretty nice teeth. it's true, her teeth are jam-packed crooked in the front, on the bottom, but the cleanness of her teeth (especially BETWEEN her teeth) in spite of the jam-packiness always impresses the dentist. the baron, having been one of those children who loved to give the right answer, responds positively to this teeth-centric praise.


this morning's appointment started as usual, with the dentist and the dental tech and the baron all crowded into a rather small exam room. the dentist pulled out the baron's last set of x-rays, from june of this year, and began her examination and cleaning of the baron's teeth.

halfway through the exam, the dentist made a noise. then the dentist spent quite a bit of extra time on one of the baron's bottom molars.


after the exam and cleaning (and flossing, which was a first for the baron, being flossed by someone else), the dentist had this to say:

dentist: i am concerned about this molar. i would like to take an x-ray of it to get a better look.

the baron: well, what do you think is wrong with it?

dentist: let's not speculate. let's get the x-ray first.


an x-ray was taken.

a short time later (really short, like 4 minutes later) the dentist returned to the exam room and pulled up the new x-ray.

dentist: you can see here there is obvious decay under the filling, not too too close to the nerve. your have two choices... the first is to have the filling removed, the decay cleaned out, and a new filling put in. the issue with this option is that, if too much of the tooth is decayed and has to be removed, we'll have to put in a crown or we'll have to remove the tooth. option two is a root canal, if the decay progresses toward the nerve.

the baron: what?


the baron: ok. the thing is, i just had that filling put in last december, which means that the dentist i saw then did a shoddy job? also, the x-ray you initially pulled up is from last june, which means that the dentist i saw at that time missed the decay in the molar? so, that's kind of two strikes, eh?

dentist: [the dentist actually tried to defend herself and her colleagues, but the baron - super annoyed in this moment - can't actually remember what the dentist said. sorry.]

the baron: so, i should have the filling removed, the decay removed, and a new filling put in?

the dentist: well. the current filling is very securely in place, which means there is no leakage. this means that the decay is within the tooth...

the baron: so, you recommend that i leave the filling in?

dentist: i think so.

the baron: and wait until new x-rays are taken, next june?

dentist: i think that's the best course of action. it's possible that the decay will not spread to the root.

the baron: ok.

dentist: don't worry. we'll check in june.

the baron: i'm not worried.

a short time later, after having left the dentist, after having run her errands, the baron was home and recounting this story. and you know what? she's recounting it through a mouthful of peanut m&ms, so root canal? YOU CAN SUCK IT!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

eat this!

the baron spent this past weekend in a flurry of sewing and wrapping.

actually, it wasn't so much a flurry as a sat-in-one-spot-on-the-couch-in-her-pajamas-for-two-days kind of experience. reader, she had a lot of work to do, and yes, she's feeling a little defensive about having worn flannel, elastic band pants for two days.


the husband was very supportive of the baron, bringing her tea, and hot chocolate, and toast when she asked him to. also, he did the week's grocery shopping and meal planning for her... which kind of explains why their dinners for the week, in part, go a little something like this: pizza, macaroni and cheese and hot dogs, spaghetti and meatballs.

this meant that the baron spent part of her sunday, still in her pjs, prepping for the week's meals.

this macaroni and cheese and hot dogs? currently chilling in the refrigerator, but totally ready for the oven at a moment's notice. and see? she made two sing serving dishes - cute, right?

these meatballs? currently sharing real estate with the macaroni and cheese and hot dogs; waiting for their saucy, noodle-y bath.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

california, because i love you, i am willing to forgive you

california, proposition 8 actually includes the words 'eliminates right', as in eliminates right of same sex couples to marry. as in, what the fuck were you thinking? as in, watch the video below to see JUST HOW STUPID YOU WERE.

the sting, or how low can she go?

reader, the sting... it continues. the dogs, it turns out, are smarter and much more cunning than either the baron or the husband realized. these dogs, they very much remind the baron of that part in 'jurassic park'? the one where laura dern says to sam neill, 'well, we only have to worry if they figure out how to open doors' or something like that (she's referring to those pesky velaceraptors, the ones who killed samuel l. jackson's character, leaving just his arm?). and sam neill says something like, 'yeah, that won't happen.' then the VERY NEXT SHOT is of two velaceraptors opening the kitchen door to make a meal out of those kids?

yep, that's how they see the dogs, like unruly animals who are 1) mostly out for themselves, even if it's to the detriment of the others in the pack and 2) smart.

to wit:

yesterday, the baron drove home, intending to park along the street rather than the driveway - this, she thought would allow her the element of surprise. she would sneak through the gate and creep up the steps, then - she was SURE - catch dexter on the sofa.


the dogs knew she was coming, probably because they've come to recognize the sound of her car. so, instead of surprising them with her stealth and cunning, she pulled up to the curb only to see tucker and dexter peering through the window at her. and, reader, you know what? THEY WERE ON THE LOVE SEAT.

the baron, angry and unwilling to give up, pulled away from the curb and did a turn around the neighborhood, finally parking at the end of her neighbor's driveway. it's a little hard to describe, but this driveway allows a view into the sun room from the opposite side of the room as the front door, i.e. the opposite side of the room from where she had just seen two expectant faces peering out at her. also, there are no stairs on the neighbor's driveway side of the sun room; the baron climbed onto his lawn, which was not quite high enough, to see if she couldn't get a peek into the room.


on the neighbor's not-quite-high-enough lawn, where she could just barely almost see into her own house, the baron started to jump. up and down. you know, to get a better view.

and, because it WOULD happen to her - the neighbor came home. while she was jumping. while her car was almost not quite blocking his driveway. reader, she felt stupid. really, cripplingly stupid.

this feeling did not abate. especially after this exchange:
the neighbor (through the rolled down window of the cab of his truck): the baron, are you ok?
the baron: um, yes.
the neighbor: what are you doing?
the baron: um. ah. i am so embarrassed to say this. i am trying to see into my house to catch one, two or all of my dogs on the furniture. scolding them only works if you catch them IN THE ACT, so i'm, uh, trying to catch them in the act.
the neighbor: ok... i thought maybe someone was in your house.
the baron: yeah... no, just me, trying to spy on my dogs.
the neighbor: well, do you want to climb into the bed of the truck to look in the window?
the baron: thanks, no.

the worst part, even worse than the embarrassment of being caught spying on her own house? dexter was watching the entire exchange. through the window, FROM THE LOVE SEAT.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

it's beginning to look a lot like we have to carefullly monitor the dogs so they don't eat the fake tree

last weekend, the baron and the husband decided, in the wake of their thanksgiving bloat, to start the christmas season. they had planned to put up the tree, etc., on friday, but they couldn't find time around their other activities.

so. their holiday decorating waited until saturday. first, they ran some errands, visiting - among other stores - target. the baron was determined, this year, to have a tree skirt around the base of their fake tree. the husband perused the tree skirt aisle and decided that the really nice ones were on the expensive side; the baron kind of concurred: seriously, she thought, $30 for 2 yards of thin fabric and fluffy trim?


the baron, having made holiday stockings for the dogs two years ago, had rather a large amount of holiday-flavored felt left over... felt in the pine green, rudolph's nose red, and snowy, snowy white varieties. she decided she'd make the tree skirt instead.

this activity - the making of the tree skirt - turned out to be an all-day-saturday activity. the baron had a VERY HARD TIME sorting out how, exactly, to sew all her remaindered fabric into a skirt-shaped circle. while working on the VERY HARD PROJECT, she was heard to say, 'who knew? geometry does matter.' additionally, because she is incapable of using her sewing machine, she had to assemble her misshapen tree skirt by hand... a very trying and labor-intensive task indeed.


the baron persevered. by saturday evening, she had completed her skirt; she and the husband pulled out their christmas tree (all plastic-y and forever green) and christmas-time decorations. this event (the slow assembling of the tree, the careful placement of lights, the careless placement of tree ornaments) is one of the baron's favorites, christmas being her favorite holiday and whatnot.

the series of photos* below depict the entire process: the sad, naked tree; the baron and tucker, glad it's done; and a closeup of the finished product.

*yes, reader, this is INDEED the sofa that the dogs are not supposed to be on. tucker was invited, so he's in the clear. also, those blinds behind the sofa? the mangled ones? harlan did that, chewed them into shape so that when he sits on the back of the sofa he can see out the window.

*if you look VERY CLOSELY at this one, you can kind of see the locking mechanism that keeps this faux tree together.

maybe the best thing about their decorations are the motley assembly of plush toys that take their december seats on the sun room shelf. the husband found these, the island of misfit toys toys, at a thrift store, the entire set perched on a waist level shelf, waiting for him. from left to right, they are: the bumble, santa claus, charlie-in-the-box, clarice, yukon cornelius, rudolph the red nosed reindeer, hermey the misfit elf, and sam snowman.

down in the front there, splayed out? that's a flying snowman tree ornament, a gift from one of the husband's sisters. and, yes, his nose is missing, since last year. dexter ate it.

ps: the baron wants to mention that the tree skirt turned out pretty nicely, though the colors exactly echo those in this flag, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the husband or the baron. also, baron loves to sleep on the tree skirt, around the back of the tree... and yes, peering out from behind all that fake foliage, he's pretty much the cutest thing ever.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

question: how many french presses is too many french presses?

(answer): (as the husband haggles with the linens n things manager for this coffee maker) 4. 4 is too many french presses.

the sting, again

this morning, the husband played lurker, skulking about under the bedroom window. he's rather more invested in the sting than the baron, seeing how he actually STARTED HIS CAR AND DROVE AWAY TO CONVINCE THE DOGS THAT IT WAS ALL CLEAR. that's dedication, huh?

by the way, the husband had this to say this morning:
harlan, on the bed and very surprised to see my face at the window.
tucker, right behind harlan getting ready to jump on the bed.
dexter, into the office trash quick as lightning; when she saw me, she KNEW what she'd done!

Monday, December 1, 2008

the sting, revisited

today at lunch the baron saw:
mussed and crumpled pillows on the love seat
short black hairs on her bedroom pillow (which was warm to the touch)
small pieces of paper towel pulled from the office trash

today after lunch, the baron again lurked outside the bedroom and sun room windows. she saw:
harlan and tucker on the bed almost immediately after she shut the front door
dexter with one paw tentatively on the sun room love seat

in response, the baron:
banged on the bedroom window like a crazy person, shouting 'HARLAN AND TUCKER GET DOWN'
banged on the front door window, shouting 'DEXTER, INTO BED!'

the sting, or, where did those muffins go?

reader, the baron wants you to know that her dogs are well-behaved. and she wants you to know that she loves them, mostly.


there are some days when the baron's dogs do not seem deserving of love. sometimes, the dogs are jerks, little ones, and sometimes they're BIG ONES.

for example.

last week the baron, happy that the cooler weather made using the oven acceptable, decided to turn 3 rather-past-their-prime bananas into 12 banana muffins. she did this on tuesday evening, and left the muffins on the kitchen island to cool.

wenesday morning, being in rather a rush, the baron didn't bother to bag and refrigerate the muffins. she had done this before, had baked something then left it out IN PLAIN SIGHT to cool.

wednesday noontime, the baron came home for lunch. she disabled the alarm, let the dogs out, exchanged her high heels for house slippers, and made her way to the kitchen for food... when she saw three muffins left on the cooling rack.

just three.

she called the husband.
the baron: how many muffins did you take to work today?
the husband: uh, none.
the baron: none!
the husband: yes, none.
the baron: NONE! there are only three left.
the husband:...
the baron: i know who did this.

the baron did know the name of the responsible, muffin-stealing party. but. what if it wasn't the dog she had in mind? what if was the other one? (the two smallest ones, being on the short side, couldn't have reached the counter top.)


the baron, over her faux-chicken lunch, took stock of the dogs and their collective lifestyle. she thought about how the baron and the husband had begun closing the bedroom and office door when they left the house, making small adjustments to account for the dogs' bad behavior. in the bedroom, the dogs would get up onto the bed, and in the office, they'd get into the trash, pulling papers out all over the floor and shredding them to teeny. tiny. bits. also, the dogs would get up onto the love seat in the sun room, the white love seat, crumpling the pillows and generally making the couch entirely too disgusting to sit on.

the baron decided that these things really bugged her. she remembered that, after all, it was HER house, hers and the husband's! the dogs weren't in charge!


friday, the baron and the husband went out for a bit in the afternoon. they set up a video camera, with a 40-minute tape, to see what the dogs did while on their own.

it turns out, the dogs got up to QUITE A LOT.

for the entire tape, the dogs were restless. for 40 minutes, none of them retired to their beds to sleep. baron barked almost the entire time, which seemed to encourage dexter to bark, then howl. harlan immediately made for the sofa, as did tucker.

unfortunately, much of their activity took place off camera. the husband had aimed the camera at a trash can that had recently been vandalized, a trash can in the living room. when they returned from their outing, however, that trash can was totally unmolested.


the kitchen recycling was strewn across the dining room floor. the baron and the husband had learned nothing! no one had been caught red-pawed. though they had a good idea who pulled the kitchen recycling out, they had no video proof.


friday night, the baron and the husband went out again, to the husband's sister's house. they set up the camera, this time at a new angle, an angle that encompassed more of the living room.

upon their return, some three hours later, the living room trash can was upended, sewing clippings and fabric scraps everywhere. and some sun flower seed shells.

the husband rewound the tape. at the 22 minute mark, DEXTER was plainly seen getting into the trash. she threw it around, ripped the trash bag in a frenzy then abruptly left it in a mess on the couch. not to be outdone, TUCKER approached the mess, nosed around, picked up something in his mouth, then swallowed it.

the preceding story is preamble to this sad turn of events:

on sunday, the baron spent much of her day pretending to leave the house. she packed up her purse, put on a coat and shoes, locked the door, and went down the steps. however, instead of getting into the car, the baron would sneak back up the steps to observe the sun room love seat, the office trash can, and the living room trash can, lurking near the front door. sometimes, she would sneak around the house to lurk under the bedroom widow, craning her neck to see into the room.

she was armed with one walkie talkie; the other walkie talkie was in the bedroom, on the dresser. when tucker and harlan jumped on the bed, the baron said clearly into the walkie talkie, 'get down. into bed.'

in the sun room, the baron caught dexter climbing onto the love seat once. the baron rapped heavily on the window to get her attention, at which point dexter froze in place, then slunk back to the ground and into her bed. she observed harlan (three times!) jumping up onto the love seat. the knock at the window didn't actually phase him, so the baron opened the door and said sternly, 'harlan, get down!'

today, monday, the baron left both the office and bedroom doors open. she is bracing herself for lunchtime, when she goes home to survey the damage.