Monday, October 6, 2008

keeping those herbs in place

having successfully created one retaining wall in her yard, the baron recently felt empowered to build another one, just off her kitchen, to keep her herb garden in place.

(apologies in advance for the darkness of the photos.)

the baron constructed the wall the last sunday in september; it took most of the day, and was kind of tricky, given that she had to account for both a corner and a downspout. this first picture shows the almost finished product. see how the stones are kind of crooked and only mostly level?

these next two pictures were taken the first weekend in october. the baron spent the better part of last friday, october 3, measuring, cutting, and gluing these capstones in place:

the baron has decided that the beauty of the capstones, besides giving one a place to sit, is that they effectively address the 'crooked and mostly level' issues, don't you think?

really, the baron wanted to put this retaining wall in so that she could avoid working on the larger retaining wall project that's slated for the back of the yard... but, alas, the husband made some headway on that larger project over the weekend (digging out and leveling the trench), so she can't dodge it much longer.

but, the good news? more masonry pictures for you, reader! yay!

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