Tuesday, October 28, 2008

hot dog

has the baron mentioned how excited she is about halloween? the candy, the neighborhood out together, a good reason to spend the early evening hours outside and fire up the chiminea, the candy, the weather (which promises to be lovely- no rain in sight)...

the baron is most excited about the dogs, because she knows that the dogs will be delighted to spend time outside, watching all the foot traffic. those dogs, they like a little bit of distraction now and again, something different from their usual squirrel watching.

also, they will be wearing costumes.

for the baron's amusement.

baron, below, has had his costume picked out for WEEKS. he can't wait to get put it on. he only hopes his siblings are astute enough to get the pun, though he fears they are not.

he also fears that tucker might mistake him for an actual food product and try to eat him. the baron and the husband have promised to keep an eye on tucker, on baron's behalf. there will be no wieners eaten on halloween night!

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