Thursday, October 23, 2008

here to stay

a little while ago, the baron and the husband offered to foster a cat. his name was avery, and he was supposed to stay for a short while only. things didn't quite work out that way. the baron and the husband, after some very serious consideration ('do you think we should keep him?' 'do you?' 'he IS black, and he IS kind of dog-shaped, so he does fit in with our small black dog aesthetic.' 'yeah.'), decided that avery-now-named-chester-copperpot-but-called-jinxy-cat is staying.

so far, he fits in very well with his new brothers and sister, all of whom mostly leave him alone. jinxy cat has even taken up some of their habits, though: he flops onto the floor, loiters around the kitchen waiting for food scraps, and helps himself to whatever piece of furniture he wants. below is the sun room couch:

the only one of the dogs who has any real problem with jinxy is baron, and though baron IS the kind of dog to get his hackles up for NO GOOD REASON, it appears that - when it comes to jinxy cat - baron has a very good reason indeed for avoiding him. it turns out that jinxy weighs 20 lbs. - a whole three pounds more than baron - and is taller than baron too. sensing that he's not the smallest (cat-who-acts-like-a-)dog in town, jinxy follows baron around swatting at his tail or pawing at his, ahem, bottom. baron mostly runs away and looks put out, occasionally turning on jinxy with a gruff grumble. it must be love.

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