Thursday, August 21, 2008

jinxy cat

it has been nearly impossible for the baron to get a good picture of this cat. not only is he black - and hard to photograph for that reason - he is also very, very slinky. sneaky. tumbly. running around everywhere-y.

so. this is the best she could do. he is a foster cat, one the baron and the husband have had for about 5 weeks now. he is friendly and dog-like... and, because they have two small black dogs, the baron and the husband often mistake him for a dog. the shelter staff, who caught and briefly cared for the cat, named him bravery, and called him avery. this induces eye rolling at the baron's house - even the dogs think that naming convention is kind of dumb. the husband and the baron have been calling him chester copperpot (for that half an ear, as an homage to 'the goonies') and also jinxy cat. so far, he answers to both names - all three names, really - and seems generally content and grateful to have a house full of playmates - even if they are of the canine variety.

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