Friday, August 8, 2008


today, the baron is thinking about contradictions, about how sometimes the things she hates are also the things she loves. it's kind of tough, having both hate and love at the same time, but the baron? she's complex.

for instance, she both hates (the way her stomach and groin muscles cramp up, the way she sweats all over everything) and loves (the feeling of moving muscles, of adding a little more weight to the chest press, of running 3 miles IN A ROW) the gym.

other things she hates and loves include ice cream, 'save the last dance,' sewing, petting her foster cat, and laundry.

another thing the baron hates? jingoism and the idea of nationalism, especially to the exclusion of others. bullys and braggarts. prime-time television and most sports commentators.


right now, she is kind of loving all those things (well, not jingoism. never that.), because the baron loves, loves, loves the olympics. that they're being held in china, that the baron really, really disagrees with a lot of china's domestic and foreign policies (especially those tricky human rights ones), that the baron isn't really all that big a fan of most of the sports included in the summer games... even these things cannot quell the rise of national pride welling up inside her like so much bile.

if you knew the baron, you'd know that the phrase 'proud to be an american' makes her laugh in a nasty way. but, reader, today she kind of is.

1 comment:

laura said...

i love the olympics too! go world!