Friday, August 15, 2008

the dog and the squirrel

a little while ago, the baron's part of the world experienced some really exquisite weather. for four days, the skies were a cloudless blue, the temperature stayed in the low and mid 70s, and there was a little breeze - just enough to ruffle the ends of your hair or the hem of your skirt. it was delightful, and the best part was that two of those perfect days were weekend days.

so. on perfect weekend days, the baron and the husband spend lots of time outside, reading, loafing, drinking, occasionally croquet-ing. the dogs, of course, join them - though it's hard to say whether or not they enjoyed the days at all, since these dogs seem as content on a 95 degree day as they do on a 55 degree day.

one thing harlan enjoys for sure? a little game the baron and the husband call "hey, squirrel! jump in my mouth!", which involves squirrel stalking, squirrel hunting and squirrel catching. but all that fun starts with squirrel watching. here, for you, reader, is a shot/reverse shot look at the scene. and don't worry - the squirrel made it out just fine.

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