Wednesday, February 10, 2010

30 week checkup, everything's just fine

the baron and the husband went for a sonogram earlier this week. sonogram checkups are always exciting for them because - unlike at the obstetrician's office, where they only hear baby x's heartbeat - they get to see the baby! it's true, neither one of them have mastered the art of reading the sonogram scans, but they can always pick out his breathing and his heartbeat. they pretty much take the word of the tech that oh, yes! that is clearly his foot! and yes, i can see his hand right there! still, it's pretty exciting.

the techs who administer the sonograms vary from appointment to appointment. on monday, the baron and the husband got a lovely woman who was only too eager to comment on every sonogram image she took of baby x. this, the baron mostly liked.

there was, though, one thing the baron didn't like:

tech: wow. that's a big baby. wow.
the baron: what?
tech: well, you're 30 weeks 3 days today, and he's the size of a baby at about 33 weeks 4 days.
the baron: what? is that ok?
tech: that's fine. looking back over your scans, he's been like this - large - the whole pregnancy.
the baron: better bigger than smaller, right?
tech: absolutely right. that's what the doctor would say too.
the husband: the doctors are obviously all men.

modern medicine is such that the tech, based on his measurements, was able to tell the baron and the husband that baby x is 4 lbs.


there's 9 weeks left to go.

readers, keep your fingers crossed that baby x tops out around 7 or 8 lbs. the baron's vaginal canal thanks you in advance.

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