Thursday, March 26, 2009

see this

the baron and the husband do not often go to the movie theater, and not exactly for lack of want. sometimes a film piques their interest (or her interest; the husband is very kind to humor her) enough that they will make the effort get out of the house and into a megaplex movie house (for instance, this and this and this), but this happens very infrequently. more typically, she spots a commercial on television or an interesting looking review online and makes a note to add it to the netflix queue(for example this one, and this one, and this one).


2009 looks to be a year that the baron might see 3 movies IN THE THEATER, which is kind of amazing. see what's in store for us all, below:

'star trek', release date may 8, 2009

'harry potter and the half blood prince', release date july 17, 2009

'where the wild things are', release date october 16, 2009

1 comment:

laura said...

what about fast and furious? definitely a must-see.