Thursday, March 12, 2009

a hateful mood

today, the baron is in a hateful mood, having received some meh advice from her endocrinologist yesterday, having come back to work to find 100+ emails awaiting her, having already fielded a 15 minute phone call from someone wanting something STUPID STUPID STUPID.

the baron, she is in the dumps. down deep in them.


to change the mood, to raise her own spirits, she's going to give a little consideration to some of the more lovely things in her life. like, for example:

the husband (the baron's VERY FAVORITE PERSON ever)
the dogs (mostly good. sometimes bad. always charming.)
decaffeinated coffee
decaffeinated tea (this moment, she's having decaffeinated chai tea with honey.)
bloody marys with grey goose vodka
neil gaiman (and, REALLY, 'good omens'. reader, get thyself to a copy of this book post-haste.)
grey goose vodka
sunny days
colin firth
'atonement' (which the baron just finished. amazing book.)
'the daily show'
springtime (daffodils and tulips are peeking through the mulch!)
singer 1732 esteem sewing machine (a life changing device.)
'gilmore girls' (the early years, not the later ones.)
'the new yorker' magazine
the baron's endocrinologist (who, even though he delivered some crap news to her yesterday, is still kind of an awesome doctor.)
raspberry body butter (and satsuma too.)
her current house (especially when robert's just been there.)
the gentle leader (for coercion's sake.)

that's her list for now, and you know what, reader? her mood, it seems to be lightening... but the day is young and her doldrums run deep... the baron has decided to think on this topic a little more. (she'll get back to you, reader.)

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