Thursday, June 19, 2008

trivia night

last night, the baron and the husband went to trivia night at a local restaurant/bar. the game was set up so that people could play solo or on teams (mostly on teams, but one guy sat alone at the bar and called himself 'the lone trivializer'). the baron and the husband played on a team with kevin's sister gina (that's her in the photo above, which was taken in a booth at the bar last night. she is wearing some graceland glasses, but that's another story.).

the husband named their team of three snack wagon, and as the rounds started they were excited about it. the evening's host was k. tomko: he dreamed up all sorts of questions, in 6 categories: the first four considered regular play, the last two considered bonus rounds, and a final question upon which teams could wager all their points to win.

the first category was 'bushisms'. all the answers contained 'bush' (for example, one of the answers was 'here we go 'round the mulberry bush'. snack wagon missed that one.). in that category, snack wagon got 4 of 8 possible.

the second category kevin called 'baltimorons'; all the answers were notable people from baltimore. two or three answers were sports figures, which put snack wagon out right away. in the end, the baron and her teammates got just three correct (john waters, johns hopkins, and a forgotten last one). total: 6 points.

category three was kevin bacon movies. answers included 'friday the 13th', 'footloose', 'mystic river', 'stir of echoes' and 'animal house'. the baron can't remember exactly, but she thinks snack wagon got 6 correct, for 18 points. (by the way, the points were determined as follows: round 1, correct answers multiplied by 1 for total points. round 2, correct answers multiplied by 2 for total points. round 3, correct answers multiplied by 3 for total points. you're following now, right?)

category four: the 27 club. evidently, a number of musicians have died at the age of 27, becoming members of the '27 club'. answers included joplin, hendrix, cobain, and morrison. total points: 24.

categories five and six were 90s songs and state capitals. for the songs, kevin gave a shatner-esque reading of the lyrics; teams were to guess the band. believe the baron when she says that it's hard to pick out weezer's 'buddy holly' when kevin gives it this treatment:
oh oh
and you're
mary TYler
don't care
THEY say
about US
anyWAY i don't
about that.

other lyrics included 'baby got back' and a few country songs. for the state capitals, kevin named three states, and the teams were to write down which states' capital came first, alphabetically. snack wagon had been feeling pretty bad about themselves, on account of the low scores (low compared to other teams at the bar), but this capitals category did them in for sure.
the baron incorrectly identified the capital of new york state as new york city, and of michigan, ann arbor. the husband incorrectly identified the capital of iowa as cedar rapids. none of the three could remember the capitals of new jersey, south dakota, or connecticut. it was a most humbling experience indeed, considering that THE BARON AND THE HUSBAND HAVE BEEN TO ALL OF THOSE PLACES.

the kicker? the group at the bar, a group that the baron had identified idiots based on their drunk and scantily attired appearance? those girls knew their state capitals. ahem.

for the final question, on the topic of fairy tales, snack wagon was pretty confident. so confident, in fact, that the team wagered their entire points total. the baron had taken a children's literature course in college, and - even though college was lo those years ago - she had a fairly good handle on her fairy tales.

unfortunatly, kevin had other ideas and spoke this question: name all seven of snow white's dwarves.

snack wagon didn't double their score. snack wagon came in near the bottom of the team rankings. snack wagon put on their graceland glasses and their dunce caps and went home.

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