Thursday, May 15, 2008


today the baron is thinking about meatloaf and waistbands, and how the two often work at odds with each other. in fact, the two are working against each other right now, on the baron's person. the meatloaf (aka the baron's lunch) is putting up rather a good fight against her waistband. the waistband's retaliation? cozying up uncomfortably to the baron's waist.

the baron is only thinking about meatloaf and waistbands - and, for that matter, calories, gym time, miles run and thong underwear - because a suit that she ordered from the interweb arrived at her house last night.

it turned out that this suit, so cute and navy blue and tidy looking, was actually a pima wool harbinger of bad things to come.


the pants didn't fit.

so, among and between the thoughts of meatloaf and pinched waists, the baron is trying to get a fucking grip on herself about it all. she is thinking to herself, 'hey, self! don't feel bad about those pants! they're a terrible cut! and also, you still look great!'

self has yet to respond.

for theresa.

1 comment:

tewing said...

I'm thinking mostly about waistbands and calories and dresses from the same place your harbinger of bad things to come came from, and am getting worried that the $55 I spent was a bad investment.

Also, whether or not you've gotten a reply from yourself yet, those pants were just a terrible cut, I'm sure.