Friday, January 14, 2011

in the 2011

reader, it's been a good long while since.

since what?

since the baron has come to this place to check in.

she has no good excuse. excuses. life and baby x are, it seems, perennially in the way.


the baron wants to ease in slowly, so:

baby x has just now taken down the next highest row of cds on one of the two cd towers in their sunroom. this is not a particularly sturdy cd tower and needs anchoring to the wall, but in truth, the baron and the husband perhaps did not anticipate their son standing and reaching and grabbing at just 9 months old. they maybe thought they had a wee bit more time to figure things out.

the cd tower is safe for the moment, however, as baby x is now trying to reach the telephone charging cords on top of the telephone table. in the process, he has become stuck underneath the telephone table, trying repeatedly to stand up straight and finding repeatedly that the underside of the top of the table will not allow him to do so. another long day ahead.

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