Wednesday, August 12, 2009

lousy things happen, or, an open letter to the husband

dear the husband,

i'm sorry you didn't get that job. i'm even sorrier that the whole thing reeked of 'pre-selected winner', since you were told you didn't get the job not 6 hours after interviewing for it. i'm sorry that a bumbling, weak-spined fool of a woman got it instead. i'm sorry that your personal style has been called into questions - though, to be fair, how seriously can you be taken in jeans and tucker logo shirts? in any case, the reference to your clothes was a very low blow indeed, and i'm sorry that someone thought to judge you based not on your skills but on your sartorial choices.

i've been thinking lately that i'm just so tired of maryland: the humidity, my job, everything. then i realized, this august we've been here three years... which is the longest we've been anywhere since the early 2000s. when recounting our life together, i always mention the cities we've lived in, and then i say, 'i think we had wanderlust in our hearts.' but, the husband, i still DO have wanderlust in my heart. i know that we can't pick up and leave like we once could, for we are bound to this place by work and mortgage and the good gs rating. but, sigh, i wish it weren't so.

the recent change in my medication dosage is, i feel certain, also adding to my grumpiness and general lethargy. i clearly recall the reasons why we decided to alter my dosage, but the husband? those reasons are seeming less and less compelling to me lately. i miss my health.

ok. let me try to end this on a high note, since it's been pretty much a downer so far.

next monday, we will celebrate our three year wedding anniversary, and your 37th birthday. our anniversary snuck up on me, and i must confess: i've thought not at all about gifts for you. my thoughtlessness, though, should not diminish the importance of the day, not at all! i love you, i still love you, and i hope we don't get divorced.

the baron

1 comment:

Dexter2j said...

Dear, the baron -- you certainly have a way with words. And while i won't belittle your kinds words with an "everything happens for a reason," i will say this: we are in control of our own destinies. And when things don't meed our needs, it is up to us to forge ahead without fear or regret. Whether those needs are better paying jobs (with twice the current workload), the gestational period of live parasites, or the crap ass East Coast weather.

We will continue to fight the future, together. Unless of course one of our mouths get us in trouble with outsiders (50-50 bet which one of us) and something beyond our control happens...

love you